Jumat, 16 Januari 2009


yup. yup. the exam is over, finally!

That morning, January 14th, I was so happy, even before the test began. Why? Because suddenly Cecil came and told us that anatomy's and dental radiology's mark had been issued. wow. wow. She pointed at me and she said " I've looked at yours, you got A and A". aaaaw... happy.happy. With this I could do the histology test pretty smoothly, though the questions were not really easy. I grinned so wide after I collected my histology-answer-sheet to my lecturer. Okay, it was time to say goodbye to my stressful-painful-boring days... now, welcome my gunyu-gunyu days! ^o^

I've planned my days since two days ago with ve, hyb, shuu, and onyeng (nice to have her again with us, since she had boyfriend, she spent lotta time with him - not with us huhuhuh). We just play all the time, play, and play again.

January 14th : Galeria Mal, looking for santa hat for shuu
I got a red-blood-shirt (thx to dear shuu) and an eyeliner (haha...with hyb)
This day I started making my papercrafts "sakanaya" or fish shop.

January 15th : Malioboro Mal, still looking for santa hat for shuu
I got a white-bowy-belt. what can I say... I did want this belt since last year, and I got it cheaper now. yea...
Taman Pintar
we acted like crazy people there, played in children's playground, took many good pictures... oh and I ate Spongebob's ice cream there. ahaha...
Sleepover at Hyb's house
we got free make-up-lesson from hyb. Then we watched Arang and Meet the Spartans.

January 16th : Ambarukmo Plaza, keep on looking for a santa hat...
I bought fresh-tuna-meat. nyam... I'll steam it this morning. I also bought breadtalk's floss-bun and blueberry muffin (the strawberry rocky milk wasn't available yet)

I wish today is as fun as yesterday. I wish my physiology's, biochemistry's, and histology's marks issued with a good-looking mark. Amen. ^^

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